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Thousands of car accidents happen in Pennsylvania annually. This means that more than 2.8 million licensed drivers in the state are at risk of death or suffering severe injuries. Every driver is advised to have adequate vehicle insurance. It is a legal requirement, and it also provides them with protection in case an accident occurs. There is a tort system, with the limits of 15/30/5, that governs all Pennsylvania car insurance laws. Individuals without the set least amount of car insurance can be penalized. The minimum auto insurance requirement is:

  • $5,000 property damage for every accident
  • $30,000 bodily injury for all individuals per accident
  • $15,000 bodily injury for each person per accident

The penalty for lacking state auto insurance in Pennsylvania

If you don't have proof of your car insurance when a Pennsylvanian law enforcement officer stops and asks to see it, you will pay a minimum fine of $300. Besides, your license and registration may be suspended for three months. To restore each of them, you will have to part with another $50. During the suspension period, no one, including you, can drive your vehicle.

No-fault auto insurance

Pennsylvania, like several other states including Florida and Michigan, has no-fault auto insurance. This requires insurers to take care of the medical bills of their insured drivers when a collision happens; regardless of the person responsible for causing it.

In addition to property damage and personal injury liability coverage requirements, drivers in the northeastern U.S. state are required to get coverage for First Person Benefits.

First person benefits

Pennsylvania is the only state whose drivers are required to get first-party benefits for medical coverage. It covers several parts within a motorist's insurance coverage, and it is like personal injury protection. With this coverage, you can pay the medical expenses that arise from an accident for you and any relatives living with you in your household.

Optional first person benefits in pennsylvania

Whenever you are paying for first-person benefits, you can add other benefits to the policy; for an additional premium. The following are some of them.

Accidental death

If any person who is under your policy passes away from a collision within 24 months since the accident happened, you or the policy's beneficiary will receive at least $25,000.

Funeral benefit

If any policyholder dies within 24 months from the date of an accident, the family will get at least $2,500 to help them pay for the funeral expenses.

Income loss

This benefit allows policyholders to get at least $25,000 every month or 80% of their income from their insurer if a car accident renders them unable to work again.


Policyholders can combine their accidental death, funeral benefit and income loss benefits to get a total of at least $177,500.

Extraordinary medical benefit

This benefit is provided in increments of $100,000. You may even get a sum of at most $1,100,000 to cover for all the medical expenses from a collision.

Other additional car insurance coverage includes:

Underinsured/ uninsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM)

Pennsylvania State Auto Insurance Laws state that individuals with this optional coverage can receive help to cover their expenses in case they are involved in a car accident with a person who does not have insurance. This can also happen if the person's coverage is not adequate to pay for all the damages from the car crash or if the person is involved in a hit and run accidents.

Comprehensive and collision coverage

Drivers with comprehensive coverage are entitled, by Pennsylvania State Auto Insurance Laws, to cover for damages that they might incur from other things; and not an accident. Those with collision coverage must receive additional coverage for car repairs and other expenses that they might suffer due to a collision.

Proof of insurance in pennsylvania

To provide evidence of insurance in Pennsylvania, one may be required to provide any of the following documents:

  • An insurance ID card from their insurance company
  • PennDOT's certificate of self-insurance
  • Their insurance policy's declaration page
  • Pennsylvania Assigned Risk Plan signed application

Pennsylvania State Auto Insurance Laws are meant to ensure that individuals do not have to bear the burden of an accident alone.