Getting the home insurance policy that's right for you means acknowledging that the type of coverage is just as important as the price you pay. You should pay close attention to the exclusions, as there's nothing worse than finding out you're not covered for something that you thought you were. If you fully examine the quotes offered to you, you'll get only the features you need and won't be stuck paying for unnecessary extras.
Approaching insurers directly
By going straight to a home insurance provider, you may find that you get special offers or discounted rates for the first X amount of months of your policy. Shopping for home insurance this way involves a bit more effort than using a comparison site, but does mean that you're in the best position for getting the best deals. There's no need to schedule appointments either; you can do all this from the comfort of your home, either online or over the phone.
Using a price comparison website
By using sites like Quoteble, you can get easy access to quotes from a ton of providers.
The number one rule of shopping for home insurance policies is to always do your research. Make sure that you're only paying for what you need, and don't decide on a provider without doing market research, no matter how good their opening offer seems. You never know when there's going to be a better deal just waiting round the corner.