The premium rates in this type of coverage vary from one region to another. In Nebraska, there are explicit laws that protect consumers against unethical insurance companies' practices. Nebraska's Property and Casualty Division examines and takes final action on rates and form filings made by all insurance companies in the state. It also protects consumers against illegal penalties by the home insurance providers.
Nebraska state insurance rules
The Nebraska Department of Insurance has documented unfair property and casualty settlement practices rules. The Authority Rule protects consumers against unfair settlement and insurance claims.
The Purpose Rule dictates the minimum standards for the investigation and disposition process in Nebraska. If an insurer is flagged for frequently violating this rule, it is tantamount to a violation of the Unfair Insurance Claims Practices Act. With this rule, homeowners in Nebraska are entitled to fair settlement claims. If you suspect any foul play on the investigation process from your home insurance provider, there are grounds to initiate legal actions against them.
Per the File and Record Documentation Rule, every insurer's claim files are subject to scrutiny by the Director of Insurance in Nebraska. The role of the aforementioned individuals includes:
- Ensuring every insurer maintains comprehensive claims data records as either hard or soft copies that can be easily retrieved if need be
- Ensuring each document within the file claim is recorded per the date received, mailed or processed
- Ensure every insurer provides sufficient details in the files documented to allow reconstruction of their activities
The Misrepresentation of Policy Provisions dictates that at no time should any insurer misrepresent or conceal information from the first party claimant. If there are coverages, pertinent benefits or other perks that are relevant to a claim they should be communicated to the first party claimant. Also, a claimant may not be denied claims for failure to exhibit the property in question, unless theirs is a documentation breach. Failure to submit written notice should not be a ground to deny a consumer claim, unless it is a preexisting condition in the written policy. The insurer should never indicate final payment notice on a payment draft. Finally, under the provisions, the insurer is not allowed to make partial claim payments to the consumer.
These rules protect the rights of every homeowner in Nebraska who has home insurance coverage against exploitation.
More information about Nebraska insurance laws
For more information about Nebraska state insurance laws as they relate to homeowners, contact the Nebraska Department of Insurance by calling (402) 471-4657 or visit their website today.